Remote reading of major consumer customers

So-called “major consumer” customers such as hospitals, industry, sports infrastructures, hotels, shopping centres, etc., though less numerous than individual customers, have a major impact on water distribution networks.

Remote reading and integration of their consumption is thus necessary for networks operation diagnostics and analysis.

The SOFREL LS Data Loggers closely monitor consumption read by meters or flow meters installed on the premises of these “major consumers”. They provide a day-to-day record of consumption and transmit the data to the SCADA stations in order to allow contract operators to draw up consumption summaries for each customer. The Data Logger immediately detects and reports any drifts.

The daily, weekly or monthly consumption summaries can be exported directly in Excel format and sent to the customer for information. With SOFREL WEB  LS, it is also possible to provide direct access to the acquired data, via Internet using a secure login process, thus allowing customers to make full use of the broad range of software functions to monitor their consumption.

The data provided by the Data Logger can also contribute to the invoicing of water consumed.

Remote reading of interconnection meters

By promoting water network interconnection, contract operators ensure better quality of service for distribution, even in the event of a major network incident. The interconnection of several networks thus serves to secure water supply and provides mutual backup between syndicates or municipalities.

The interconnection points are fitted with two-way meters or flow meters in charge of monitoring the volumes of water passing from one network to the other. SOFREL LS offers permanent monitoring transfers between networks. For this application, the LS Data Logger also contributes to the invoicing of water sold between municipalities.

water remote meter reading

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