Devices for water networks

SOFREL remote management equipment includes functions dedicated to the water or energy sectors. Modular, they integrate communication modems and input-output modules allowing them to be adapted to any type of installation.

Accessible to non-specialists in process control, these devices offer ready-to-use features such as alarm reporting, data archiving, balance calculation via a human-machine interface in clear language, enabling simple and immediate use.

Nonetheless, telemetry PLCs can support complete process control suites.  They therefore enable trained personnel to conduct process control or complete regulation of their facility with their SOFREL device.

Modular Telemetry and SCADA remote terminal units for remote control and management

  • S4W

    SOFREL S4W: Cybersecured Telemetry Remote Terminal Units for connected water networks



    SOFREL YDRIX: Smart RTU with DNP3, IEC-60870-5-104 & IEC-60870-5-101 standard communication protocols


  • HF-BOX

    SOFREL HF-Box: Data transmitter designed for radio remote monitoring