Scalable solution for Smart Street Lighting

A well-lit city ensures the safety, comfort and well-being of its citizens.

At the same time, local authorities need to optimize savings and control their budgets. Faced with energy scarcity, rising costs and respect for the environment (in particular night-time preservation), appropriate street lighting is a recognized intelligent solution.

With its complementary connected and stand-alone solutions and associated services, LACROIX Smart Lighting division can help you make the gradual transition to increasingly smart street lighting management for the city of tomorrow.

Flexible and adaptable to the needs of different towns and villages, intelligent management of the public lighting network, whether connected or local, brings many benefits to operators:

  • Guaranteeing attractivity : service quality, safety, comfort and well-being for citizens
  • Managing budget : maintenance, energy and investments for local authorities
  • Preparing for the future : interoperable and future-proof systems, preparation for future Smart Cities uses.

Thanks to improved smart lighting, your territory will become intelligent. Indeed, today’s lampposts are designed to provide new services: the permanent power supply means citizens can recharge their phones, benefit from wifi terminals or video protection…

The smart city is today.